Nicholas O'Neill

Chambers Director
Contact via Email

Nick is responsible for the chambers’ operational and strategic management, reporting to the Head of Chambers and the Chambers’ management committee. Nick joined Oriel Chambers after a successful career as a litigation solicitor, working in both the private and public sectors.

After becoming a partner, Nick studied for his MBA and for the last 11 years, has worked exclusively in the field of legal practice management, bringing a wealth of sector experience to Oriel Chambers. Nick’s background as a practicing solicitor allows him to fully comprehend the importance of client care. He is passionate about developing and maintaining real partnership relationships, ensuring that Oriel Chambers remains the chambers of choice for our clients.

Nick has a particular interest in mental health and is a “Champion” for the legal charity Lawcare, providing support to colleagues throughout the profession. Outside chambers Nick enjoys spending time with his young family and is never happier then when he is in the hills of Snowdonia.

